• What I’m up to now

    (What’s a “Now page”? Know all about it here. Also, here’s my profile)

    Updated July 19th, 2024

    Lots of socializing

    A close friend from the US is visiting, so I’ve been meeting up with her and my other friends often. It’s been great but it does cut into that time I would’ve otherwise spent working and exercising.

    Writing, writing, and more writing.

    Just finished my first-ever ghostwriting project for a client and enjoyed it immensely! I’m also doing a fair bit of writing for myself (journaling, social media, personal essays, etc). I’m sharing more of myself (without overthinking)—my taste, thoughts, and insights—and letting that draw my tribe to me. The process feels magical.

    Building my ghostwriting business

    I’m learning the ropes of ghostwriting via the Premium Ghostwriting Academy and building my ghostwriting business. Currently, I’m exclusively focused on creating educational email courses. The industry I’m focused on is mental health, wellness, personal growth, and psychedelics.

    It takes up the majority of my time and I love it!

    Experienced one of the proudest moments of my life!

    As a 9-month-old baby, I nearly drowned and that created a deep-rooted fear of water. This year, I finally overcame that and started learning to swim! This past week, I swam the entire length of the pool fairly competently! What a moment.


    I’m re-reading The Stormlight Archive all over again in preparation for the release of the 5th book of the series in Dec! Am halfway through Words of Radiance. I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of this series.

    I’ve started reading Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way. I love doing morning pages. It’s interesting to see how at the end of it, I naturally end up setting an intention for how I want to experience the day. Having that directionality is so helpful.

    Just finished listening to Austin Kleon’s Steal Like An Artist. I resonated with its message. Going to re-listen to it to digest the message some more.