September was the most relaxing month of the year. It’s interesting that came at the heels of the most stressful month of the year. Or probably not. Because I recognised what needed changing and changed it.
Here are the cliff notes for the month:
- I stayed true to the ‘no obligations’ mantra. I pulled out of clubs, meetings, and projects that felt energy-draining and obligatory.
- I let go of a long-term friendship that had been a source of much anxiety and distress. It was one of the hardest things I’ve done and took a lot of courage but I know that I did the right thing.
- I declined to connect with people that I didn’t feel good connecting with.
- I did connect with people that are uplifting and fun. I feel blessed to know them.
- I started taking Sundays off for fun activities. Mom and I watch a movie together and it’s been such a wonderful way of connecting with each other.
- I read 15 books – 10 non-fiction and 5 fiction.
- I spent a lot of time reading books that are about ‘less but better’ such as Essentialism, Free to Focus, and The One Thing. These taught me the importance of not having too many goals. It’s critical to identify those things that are our highest forms of contribution to the world and focus our energy on them.
- Paid off a major home loan. This also dictated the direction my Q4 would go in – building a recurring revenue stream.
Q4 plans:
My goal for Q4 is going to create an income generation engine that creates a recurring revenue of $100 per week. I’ve already fleshed out the detailed plan to achieve this and have started taking action.
October focus:
From #theyearofme project perspective, Oct is going to be about self-expression. Every day, I’ll create either a video or an article where I’ll express my thoughts and opinions. I’ve done this for several days in a row already. For now, I’m recording the videos privately but I may, at some point, start sharing it publicly too. We’ll see!