It was new moon on the 24th. Someone I know said that the new moon is a time to set intentions. A time to contemplate what you want to bring forth and watch it grow with the moon. That got me thinking about the thing that’s been my intention for this year and decade.
Putting myself first. Putting my needs, wants, dreams, and desires first. Loving myself deeply, unapologetically, and completely. Treating my life with the sacredness it deserves. I love this quote from Cheryl Strayed:
“It was my life—like all lives, mysterious and irrevocable and sacred. So very close, so very present, so very belonging to me.
How wild it was, to let it be.”
For the longest time, I made my life dependent on the external. To feel loved, I needed someone to tell me that they loved me. To feel beautiful, I needed compliments from friends, family, and coworkers. To feel like I was doing worthwhile work, I needed to have the necessary external conditions that indicated this – title, praise from my boss, platitudes from people I barely knew. In other words, my locus of control was anything but internal. Remove all these external elements and I scarcely knew who I was.
This year things are a-changing. I’m consciously seeking power within. Being my best friend, counselor, and cheerleader. I’m learning to fall in love with myself, warts and all.
So here’s my intent for this new moon (actually for all the new moons, full moons, and stages of moon for the next decade):
To make my life sacred to me. To love myself deeply, appreciate who I am, and care for every aspect of me. To give voice to my dreams, desires, and aspirations. To accept, embrace, and express who I am at my very core. To make me the most important person in my life.
How wild it was – and is – to be me. 🙂